Meta (Facebook)

Examples of work from my time at Meta, or Facebook as it was then called. As a marketing and creative lead for the Partnerships Marketing department, a division of Facebook’s Global Business Marketing unit, I led a team of 11 full-time contingent workers that provided graphic design, web design, web development, copywriting, content creation, social media and marketing strategy for nonprofits and non-governmental organizations.

In 2020, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was assumed that donations to NPOs during the annual Giving Tuesday campaign would be record lows. As such, forecasts were lowered to below 30% of the previously-calculated trajectory. Instead, thanks to the hard work of the Partnerships Marketing team, not only did we meet the initial goal but we surpassed every other year in terms of donations collected.

Credits & Acknowledgements

In business, everything is a team sport. As such, I’d like to use this opportunity to give credit to, and humbly thank, those with whom I tackled these challenges with, and worked alongside in the trenches day-by-day. If you are reading this as one of those amazing folks, and I missed a name or forgot anyone, please let me know so I can remedy it immediately.

Special thanks to: Michelle Best, Amira Bliss, Rebecca Sadwick, Ganna Yevtushenko, Kaitlyn Jankowski, Jennifer Ybarra, Brit Cava Follett, Eugenia Chen, Kevin Leung, Katphin Moo, Ashley Prince Murphy, Brad Miller, Geoff Snack, Andrew Salcido, Dianne Gillespie, Kunsung Kim, Michael Jordon, Wayne Walrath, Bjorn Holine, Calvin Koepke, Jessica Yi, Marci Miranda, Michael Margolis, Danna Kress, Sara Loncka, Angela Ekstowicz, Sharmaine Cheleden, Renee Hawkes, Mark del Lima, Jayne Jeffries, Chris McLemore, Natalia Vasquez, Stephanie Sizemore, Jason Rissman, Peter Jackson, Annette Diefenthaler, Mariah Welch, Oonie Chase, Luisa Covaria, and Holly McMahon.